A Personal Commitment to Quality
Mark’s Machine initially concentrated it’s efforts in the compressor valve repair business. Today, in addition to the full service compressor valve division, MMCI offers full service machining, manufacturing, and powder coating. Hard work and dedication to quality service has fueled steady growth at Mark’s Machine. As Mark’s Machine diversified its repair and manufacturing capabilities, the client base expanded as well. Today, Mark’s Machine is the vendor of choice for a growing number of petrochemical, oilfield, and offshore industries.
At Mark’s Machine Co., Inc., we are proud to offer a variety of products and services. Our 53,300 square foot main facility sits on an eight acre site, located in the El Campo Industrial Park in El Campo, Texas. Another 35,000 square foot indoor storage facility sits just 4 blocks away. An additional 10,000 square foot facility, located in downtown El Campo, houses a retail location for the subsidiaries, Tough Country Products and Tough Country Outfitters. Recently, Mark’s Machine acquired 10 acres that sits on US 59 with plans to expand the retail and manufacturing facilities . Currently, Mark’s Machine and it’s subsidiaries sit on a total of nearly 100,000 square feet of buildings and 18 acres of prime real estate.
The production equipment in the shop encompasses CNC machining and turning centers, vertical and horizontal boring mills, grinding and lapping machines, and a fully equipped fabrication facility. The advanced equipment is operated by skilled machinists, engineering technicians and support personnel who are capable of providing solutions to the most complex problems and situations.